Spanish El Tiempo es Oro: Cómo la Antigüedad de las Monedas Moldea los Patrones de Gasto de Bitcoin Estudiamos la relación entre la antigüedad de una moneda y su probabilidad de ser gastada, y descubrimos una dinámica regida por la ley de potencias, que revela una desaceleración suave y matemáticamente elegante en el comportamiento de gasto a medida que las monedas envejecen.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Time is Money: How Coin Age Shapes Bitcoin’s Spending Patterns We examine the relationship between a coin's age and its spending likelihood. We discover a power-law dynamic that governs this likelihood, highlighting a smooth and mathematically elegant decay in spending behavior as coins grow older.
Product Backtesting in Workbench Discover Workbench's new backtesting suite and take your investment strategy to the next level. Test and compare trading hypotheses, and evaluate risk and performance with metrics like drawdown and Sharpe ratio. Explore basic and advanced trading strategy examples, including on-chain indicators.