Product Introducing Point-in-Time Data: Addressing the Mutability of On-chain Metrics We discuss when and how quickly on-chain metrics at Glassnode get updated and analyze the impact and magnitude of data updates. Further, we introduce a broad set of point-in-time metrics that do not suffer from look-ahead bias, making them the ideal candidates for applications in backtesting.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research The Shrimp Supply Sink: Revisiting the Distribution of Bitcoin Supply The supply distribution of Bitcoin continues to be a topic of great interest, for analysis of capital flows, and also for observing behaviors of investor cohorts. In this piece, we break down the BTC supply by wallet size, and explore how coins disperse over time.
Farsi اصلاح قیمت در برخورد با سطوح روانی قیمت بیتکوین در برخورد با چندین ناحیه روانی بسیار مهم، از جمله میانگین خرید بیتکوینهای قدیمی و گروه نهنگها، با اصلاح قیمت مواجه شد. این روند با برداشت سود و همچنین تغییر جریان سرمایه بازار همراه بود؛ اما این جریانات نسبت به چرخههای قبل کمتر قابلتوجه بودند.
Spanish Relato Corto Sobre el Etheverso Nos aventuramos a conocer en profundidad los usos más destacados de Ethereum por su consumo de gas entre los principales tokens, protocolos y categorías de transacción. Este análisis arroja algo de luz sobre la complejidad y naturaleza siempre cambiante del ecosistema de Ethereum.
French Maîtriser le Ratio MVRV Le ratio MVRV est l'une des mesures les plus populaires. Cependant, une grande partie de sa puissance est souvent oubliée. Dans cet article, nous étudions comment le MVRV peut trouver les extrêmes du cycle, identifier les tendances du marché et signaler une distribution avancée.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Market Meets Psychological Resistance Bitcoin prices have been rejected from a series of psychological on-chain levels, related both to Older hands from the 2021-22 cycle and also for the Whale cohort. Profit-taking and capital flows have started to take place, although they remain low by historical standards.
Spanish ¿Para Qué Pagan Comisiones los Usuarios de Ethereum? Un análisis del blockchain sobre cómo se distribuyen las comisiones entre los diferentes tipos de transacción dentro de la red de Ethereum.
Product February 2023 Product Updates The start of 2023 has been explosive for the digital assets landscape, with Bitcoin recording a 41% move upwards YTD, as well as significant regulatory challenges developing in the USA. We have also seen the unexpected phenomena of Ordinals and Inscriptions arise on the Bitcoin blockchain, sparking healthy debates regarding
Spanish Dominando el Ratio VMVR El Ratio VMVR es una de las métricas del blockchain más utilizadas, sin embargo, rara vez se emplea todo su poder. En este trabajo, exploraremos cómo potenciar este Ratio para identificar extremos de ciclo, tendencias de mercado, y avisos tempranos cuando ocurran grandes distribuciones.
Spanish Teoría Ordinal y el Surgimiento de las Inscripciones de Bitcoin En las últimas semanas hemos visto el despertar de una tendencia inesperada dentro del network de Bitcoin, se trata de la inscripción permanente e inmutable de datos directamente en el blockchain de Bitcoin. Los archivos que se están inscribiendo abarcan desde imágenes, a clips de audio, e incluso una versión
The Week On-chain Newsletter NFT Trading Professionalizes Despite bearish sentiment, and an overhang of regulations, the application layer of Ethereum continues to flourish. The NFT market is experiencing great competition, with new marketplace Blur taking market share from leader OpenSea, driven by a strategy focused on traders and liquidity.
Spanish Exchanges de Camino a la Adopción: Pioneros, Rezagados y Negados Aprovechamos el reciente lanzamiento del Taproot para investigar maneras de evaluar la adopción del SegWit como vía significativa para mejoras sobre Bitcoin; al mismo tiempo, nos centraremos en el grado de adopción del SegWit que están demostrando los exchanges.
Spanish Métricas Del Blockchain De Bitcoin Para Exchanges: Lo Bueno, Lo Malo, Lo Feo En este nuevo trabajo, vamos a zambullirnos en detalle acerca de la importancia que tiene analizar la actividad de los exchanges, el proceso de monitorizar con precisión las direcciones que pertenecen a los exchanges y los matices que traen consigo los datos relacionados con los exchanges.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Mastering the MVRV Ratio The MVRV Ratio is one of the most popular and widely used on-chain metrics, however, much of the power of MVRV is rarely put to use. In this paper, we will explore how MVRV can be supercharged to find cycle extremes, identify market trends, and get advanced warning of sell-side distribution.
The Week On-chain Newsletter An Investor Turning Point Despite continued regulatory pressure on digital assets exerted by the US, Bitcoin prices still rallied above $25k, and Inscriptions breached 100k total. Meanwhile, investor behavior on-chain appears to be reaching a turning point, hinting at a new cycle.
French La Théorie Ordinal et l’Émergence des Inscriptions sur Bitcoin Ces dernières semaines, une tendance très inattendue s'est manifesté sur le réseau Bitcoin, à savoir l'inscription permanente et immuable de données, directement dans la blockchain Bitcoin. Les fichiers de données qui ont été inscrits vont des images aux clips audio, et même une version du jeu
Farsi ظهور Ordinals در شبکه بیتکوین بازار سرانجام با اولین اصلاح قیمتی مهم خود در سال جاری روبهرو شد. عقبنشینی قیمت، با انتشار اخباری از اقدامات و نظارتهای سختگیرانه SEC همراه بود و از طرف دیگر با ورود NFTها به شبکه بیتکوین، موج جدیدی از تقاضای غیرمنتظره کاربران را برای انجام این نوع تراکنشها شاهد بودهایم.
Bitcoin Analysis & Research Ordinal Theory and the Rise of Bitcoin Inscriptions Recent weeks have seen an very unexpected trend emerge on the Bitcoin network, being the permanent and immutable inscription of data, directly into the Bitcoin blockchain. Data files that have been inscribed range from images, to audio clips, and even a version of the video game Doom. This event has
The Week On-chain Newsletter The Emergence of Ordinals The digital asset market has experienced its first significant pullback of the year, alongside news of heavy US regulatory moves, and SEC crackdowns. Simultaneously, the emergence of Ordinals and Inscriptions on Bitcoin is creating a new, and unexpected demand for blockspace.
Japanese サービス更新:2022年12月 Glassnodeチームから読者の皆様へ新年のご挨拶を申し上げます。年末年始をゆっくりと過ごされ、2023年をワクワクした気持ちで迎えられることを願っています。
Japanese 弱気相場の回復を追跡するための10つの指標 サイクルの変化を特定することは至難の業であり、この目標を達成するための“銀の弾”は依然として無い。このレポートでは、ビットコインの弱気市場の後期をナビゲートするための有用なツールボックスとして機能する10つの指標一式を検討する。
The Week On-chain Newsletter Shifting Tides Following an explosive month of volatile price action, Bitcoin is consolidating above the on-chain cost-basis of several cohorts. This puts the average BTC holder into a regime of unrealized profit, and demonstrates a potential turning of the macro market tides is underway.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Short Squeezes and Spot Demand Bitcoin markets have seen the strongest monthly price performance since Oct-2021, fuelled by both historic spot demand, and a sequence of short squeezes. In this edition, we explore the dynamics taking place in both derivatives markets, and the spot exchanges.
Farsi تهدید یا فرصت؟ عبور قیمت از سطح ۲۳ هزار دلار برای بسیاری از سرمایهگذاران غافلگیرکننده بود؛ اما رشد قیمت بعد از گذشت دورهای بسیار زیانآور طی سال گذشته، فرصت فروش و برداشت سود را برای سرمایهگذاران فراهم میکند.
The Week On-chain Newsletter An Opportunity, or a Trap? The recent market rally has pushed BTC prices above $23k, and has surprised many investors. However, alongside higher prices, comes an increased motivation for holders and miners to take exit liquidity, especially after the prolonged and painful bear of 2022.