Product A Short History of the Etherverse We deep dive into Ethereum's most prominent use cases by quantifying gas consumption across major token, protocol, and transaction categories. Our analysis shines a light on the complexity and ever-evolving nature of the Ethereum ecosystem.
The Week On-chain Newsletter A Bear of Diminishing Returns Price performance over the last 12 months has been nothing short of lacklustre, putting a dent in long-term CAGR rates for Bitcoin and Ethereum. This is supported by a dwindling demand for both chains blockspace, as expressed in on-chain fee markets.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Unstable Coins The Bitcoin market experienced a week for the history books, with the $40B LUNA/UST project hyper-inflating and collapsing, 80k BTC sold by LFG, the Tether $1 peg coming under pressure, Stablecoin supplies contracting by $7.5B, and a near visit to the Realized Price
The Week On-chain Newsletter Rate Hikes Drive Markets Lower Bitcoin bulls remain under pressure this week, as prices fall back to $33.8k, and network profitability falls by ~10%. Weakness has appeared across ETF product flows, stablecoin supply contraction, and in investor urgency to deposit coins to exchanges, largely in response to downside volatility.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Peering Into the Abyss Bitcoin investors are hanging onto the edge of profitability, with short-term price action threatening to put them back into the red. Meanwhile, a constructive confluence of macro indicators are developing into a clearer picture of a potential bear market floor.
The Week On-chain Newsletter The Growing Dominance of Perpetual Swaps Yields, implied volatility and trading volume in Bitcoin derivatives markets continue to compress, leading to an aggregate decline in capital inflows. On-chain volumes also remain muted, however, more constructive medium to long term fundamental trends are starting to develop.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Short-Term Pain, But Long-Term Gain? The Bitcoin market has traded back below $40k, as weakness continues to pressure prices lower. However, under the surface, a deep, and widespread capitulation event appears to have been absorbed by persistent, robust and quiet demand.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Weakness in the Recovery The Bitcoin market pulled back this week after a break-out from the multi-month consolidation range. Prices have thus far struggled to find sustained upside momentum, and there are indications of a modest volume of profit taking by investors.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Bitcoin as Pristine Collateral As the 19 millionth bitcoin is mined, a number of large public buyers have sparked renewed interest in Bitcoin as pristine collateral. Shrimps and Whales are leading widespread coin accumulation, alongside the Luna Foundation Guard who added over 21k BTC to their balance in nine days.
The Week On-chain Newsletter The Road to Recovery Bitcoin markets have rallied higher this week, as supply older than 1yr pushes towards new all-time-highs. In this analysis, we explore the longer term road to recovery, and how supply dynamics have historically signalled when bearish markets are coming to a conclusion.
French Forte Volatilité à l'Horizon Les marchés des contrats à terme et des options sur BTC prévoient une plus grande volatilité dans un avenir proche. Pendant ce temps, l'activité sur la chaîne se comporte comme en marché baissier, mais continue de se rétablir de manière significative.
The Week On-chain Newsletter High Volatility Is On the Horizon Bitcoin futures and options markets are pricing in higher volatility in the near future. Meanwhile, on-chain activity remains firmly in bear market territory, but continues to recover meaningfully.
French L'offre à Court Terme s’Amenuise Les signaux d'accumulation du bitcoin s'adoucissent à court terme, malgré des tendances de demande à long terme extrêmement constructives. L'énergie nécessaire à un événement de capitulation est en place, mais ne s'est pas encore manifestée à la manière des cycles de marché précédents.
The Week On-chain Newsletter Short-Term Supply Dwindles Bitcoin accumulation trends have softened in the short term, despite extremely constructive long-term demand trends. The potential energy for a capitulation event is in place, but is yet to manifest as it has in previous market cycles.
Japanese デリケートな均衡状態 ビットコイン市場は、売り手の動きが鈍化するなか需要が限られているため、微妙な均衡状態となっている。今回は、ビットコインの売却の特徴を把握するため、取引所のフローを具体的に分析する。
French Un Équilibre Délicat Le marché du bitcoin se trouve dans un équilibre délicat, avec une demande entrante limitée et un ralentissement des ventes. Dans cette édition, nous analysons spécifiquement les flux des plateformes d'échange afin d'évaluer les caractéristiques des ventes de bitcoins.
Spanish Un Equilibrio Delicado El mercado de Bitcoin se encuentra en un delicadísimo equilibrio, la demanda entrante es muy limitada y el lado vendedor cada vez más débil. En esta edición, analizamos los flujos de los exchanges para evaluar las características de las ventas de Bitcoin que se están dando.
Turkish Hassas Bir Denge Bitcoin piyasası, yavaşlayan bir satış baskısının yanı sıra sınırlı gelen talep ile hassas bir dengede. Bu bültende, özellikle Bitcoin satışlarının özelliklerini değerlendirmek için borsa akışlarını analiz ediyoruz.
Portuguese Um Equilíbrio Delicado O mercado de Bitcoin está em um equilíbrio delicado, com demanda de entrada limitada, e o lado da venda em desaceleração. Nesta edição, analisamos os fluxos da corretoras especificamente para avaliar as características das vendas de Bitcoin.
The Week On-chain Newsletter A Delicate Equilibrium The Bitcoin market is in a delicate equilibrium, with limited incoming demand, alongside a slowing sell-side. In this edition, we analyse exchange flows specifically to assess the characteristics of Bitcoin sales.
Spanish Los Que Compraron en el Máximo Capitulan En medio del conflicto ucraniano, los inversores que compraron cerca del máximo histórico de Bitcoin ya han capitulado prácticamente por completo. Por otro lado, el grupo HODLer sigue acumulando, aparentemente indiferentes ante los crecientes macro riesgos geopolíticos.
Chinese 在币价顶部购买的买家已经投降 在新的地缘政治风险和不确定性中,11月比特币币价最高点的买家已经基本投降了。 另一方面,囤币党似乎不担心宏观和地缘政治风险,他们继续积累。 由于俄罗斯和乌克兰之间爆发了武装冲突,全球市场面临一个非常令人冷静的一周。 作为一种全球宏观资产以及7天24小时交易的市场,比特币的价格反应相当波动。 本周市场交易跌至34,474美元的低点,然后迅速回升至39,917美元的高点。
Portuguese Capitulação dos Compradores do Topo Histórico Em meio ao conflito em andamento na Ucrânia, os investidores que compraram próximo à máxima histórica do Bitcoin capitularam quase completamente. Por outro lado, a grupo de HODLers continua acumulando, aparentemente imperturbáveis por riscos macro e geopolíticos.
Turkish Tepe Bölgelerden Alım Yapan Yatırımcılar Kapitülasyona Uğradı Ukrayna'daki çatışmanın ortasında, Bitcoin ATH civarında satın alan yatırımcılar neredeyse tamamen kapitülasyona uğradı. Öte yandan, makro ve jeopolitik risklerden etkilenmeyen HODLers grubu biriktirmeye devam ediyor.